Monday, January 21, 2008

Two Days in a Row...

I know, kind of crazy. I'm back. I was just here 24 hours ago. There's something crazy going on. Really, I just wanted to post my picture for today. It's really exciting! (Ok, not really, but I wanted to write the journaling tonight while I was thinking about it.)

Jan 21

Yes, this is my mailbox. Well, mine and all my neighbors. I am a crazy girl about mail. I check it every day. Even when I am getting home at 12:30 from working late, I still have to check it. I mostly know that nothing exciting will be in there, but just the possibility keeps me coming every day. Usually there is just the usual newspaper junk mail. Bills once in a while. The exciting things are ones I usually order for myself from eBay or other various online stores. So, they are not usually a surprise. But, I still get a thrill from checking my mail every day. I was talking to one of my neighbors who hates checking her mail, and only does it once or twice a week, if that. I just don't understand that mentality. I LOVE MAIL. I wish I got more exciting mail. Anyway, the significance of this for today is this: I check my mail every day, and then, on those random holidays that I don't really celebrate or get work off for (like Human Rights Day), I am let down when I realize that no mail was delivered that day. So, that is what I did tonight when I got home. Headed straight to the mail, only to be slightly disappointed that there was absolutely nothing in the box. Hopefully something good will be in there tomorrow!

One other thing I was going to write yesterday, and forgot. Through all the shopping I did with my mom on Saturday, we were discussing decorating ideas and what we wanted to do. She wants to have a "shoe" collection on a wall, perhaps in her laundry room, or in the hall next to it. Not the kind of shoes you would wear, but shoe decorations. We found a shoe tree ornament, and a set of high heeled shoe knife spreaders. Super cute! I think her collection could be really cool, and a fun thing for us to buy her for gifts, to add to her collection. She was inspiring me to decorate my house better, put more thought into it. I already have a spoon collection, with about 30 or so spoons from the various places I've traveled. I found some SUPER CUTE decorative measuring spoons, that would sort of go with that theme. Not exactly the same thing, but they are all spoons, right? Then, I said I love mugs, and my mom thought that would be fun to decorate a whole wall with mugs, on cute little shelves. Which I thought was a super cute idea. So, my new collection is mugs. I already have about 5 or 6, so the collection is well on its way. Anyway, just putting that out in the universe. I love mugs, so why not collect and decorate with them? (And throw a few cute spoons in there, too!)

1 comment:

Three CRAZY boys and a lady said...

you have been tagged...go to my blog for further instructions..